Wednesday, June 4, 2008

H vs E...

Hard life vs Easy life...why some ppl take a hard life when they can go for the easy one?resulting in the same thing... (H x E = SAME)..why i want to stay on this challenging job & life?
  • Job - why dont I just sit on the desk, do the easy thing everyday and get paid same as this job? i admit that i am struggling on this job, now i know why contract job is harder than permanent job..contract- employer expect you to know/learn everything by urself while permanent- they send you for the training and polish ur skills sampai gagah perkasa...i've found out there's only like 5% wut i learnt in uni that apply to this job..and that 5% actually bley blaja dgn senang dan free (ebook,internet)...ceit! this job byk giler roles...technical, problem solving, decision making, negotiating with client mistake would cause disaster combo plak tu confirm kene panggil idiot and hopeless..maybe i love challenge in my life...maybe...riddle hang definite answer..
  • Life - why am i hunting dan gadai segalanya kepada si dia? sedangkan amat mudah if had someone with same background dari segala jenis, same language, same country, but of course not same sex laa kan...but the answer is simple...bcuz i love her..riddle solved for this part.
Anyway, interview yesterday was okay...byk gile pchychology questions rather than the job itself..kalo tanye bab technical mmg bes laa aku goreng but pchychology??urhhh merapu aku smalam! it was phone interview and mamat tu slang gileee tak bunyi english! cam jawe ade gak...from wut they xplain to me, that job is much much easier than what i do now..InfoSystem- sit down, jot SQL queries...pretty much everyday like dat...the result will be out next week...kalo dapat, cantek la, kalo tak dapat sengih je ar..we'll see...
-most hate part of the job..server problem- do i chill myself out whenever i stressout/lonely/bosan? haaa this is the unique phenomena cant be seen in Brisbane or other city...they called it milky way galaxy...see the pic below amek from google image..the one in cloncurry not really obvious as in the pic...but cun gileeee...kalo ade keje kat sane nak je aku apply...duk kat galaxy and watch earth plak...ahaa cool...and time sunset plak can see actual satellite moving slowly..mlm² lepas dinner aku lepak kat luar pekene teh sambil layan milky way ni...nice..
-pekene teh tarik sambil layan galaxy-

Another unique is called morning glory cloud, but kene drive take about 7hrs to North Qld aa..been there but tak nampak sgt dat day...these cloud only can be seen in a few places in the world! very cool...

Left- suppose to look like. Right-taken by me

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