Friday, July 18, 2008

Weekend @ BrissVegas

Weekend was very fantastica bombastic! Met my bidadari after almost 4 months being away..biar pon seketika, dapat jugak melepaskan rindu tak terkata...ceewahh! So many things finally settled; get my Notice of Assessment from ATO for tax return (kaye kejap aku tak lame lagi), visa updated, layan sepam dua wayang, lepak Borders almost halfday bace² mags and books, had an interview with CITEC (IT Firm) in Gladstone 7hrs from Brissie, catch up with buddies cerita pasal masca lepas, gossiping and what not <--- (perkataan famous kat msia).

Namun begitu, duet mengalir cam air jeer rase.. almost AUD500 gak abis aku blanje selama 5 hari di brisbane, meaning 100bux p/day average! gilee..tu psl aa aku mmg takley duk brisbane..bahaya..tu blum lagi campur kalo aku main golf..ape yg aku spent telah pon disiasat: spent on foood food foood, upgrade my PC bought another 2g RAM + bought external 500HD, PC game Splinter Cell Double Agent, dvd box The Unit S1 and S2 + Las Vegas S3, bekalan daging ayam utk sbulan, magazines and what not. Banyak siot glad to live in Cloncurry, agak² gian nak beli somthing pi la shopping kat Woolies...

Hurmm now back in Curry, Brenden dah cabot balik Emerald..Peter plak chuck a sickie buat perangai olok² sakit harini anta sms kol 8am berbunyi "Feelin crook mate, wont make it today", another word for 'sickie' is 'crook', new vocab for me..hehe. Dave busy giler nak kacau die pon seram..biaseknyer keje² on Friday we save it for Monday but rase semangat harini nak setelkan sume je..

So wot the go for weekend, mate?
  • Usual routine : Laundry sume baju samada dah pakai atau blom, masak for stock next week, kebas katil kat luar, buang sampah, cuci kitchen kasik kilat.
  • Layan Ezora, kodok last week yg missed about 5 episodes plus another 5 this week, total up 10 episod! uihhh dengar cite dah makin suspend dah drama ni.
  • Layan Splinter Cell, great graphic yet too many hassle nak kene tukar setting sound la, setting play with xbox360 controller, directx la, spent the whole nite smalam setting menatang ni skali youtube plak tade sound...kimek aaa Ubisoft (developer), slalu kuarkan game yg gempak but setting pelik² kene adjust.
  • Buat timeplan for Vista upgrade on my SilentAmmo (nama manja pc aku). Go for Vista Ultimate terus. Excited ni nak guna Vista, bley gune directx10! But have to make sure sume software that currently im using is compatible with Vista. I probably have 100++ programs in Silentammo at the moment. I never had problem with XP, run smooth but gotta catchup with the flow...and rumor heard that new OS is coming next year, Window 7 a.k.a Vienna!
  • Tido di siang hari..haa Cloncurry dah panas dah smule, kejap giler winter...malam² dah takyah pakai stokin dah..siang kene start pasang airkon..waduuhh horror aa summer..
Greatly appreciate to Anas dan Ansa for your place, dah naik segan aku asyik merempat kat umah ko every month, nanti aa aku beli rumah ko tu, biar ko plak merempat! hehehe..tq tq
Have a nice weekend ya!

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