Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bangla yang hipokrit

Baru aku tahu sape punyer keje anto Mr B Ali ke sini. Si bangla yang mangkok. He's one of the train driver in Cloncurry, first met him in the gym awhile ago.
So came across him again kat Woolies yesterday and he asked me if anyone come to the office on Monday to see me. Then he told me that Mr B Ali is the tabligh, doing a tour to Queensland. Bukan aku tak suka tabligh (adik datuk aku pon tabligh kuat kat Kelantan tapi die cool), cume tabligh arab/keling ni pundek sket. Aku tanyer aaa pesal dia tak jumpe je Mr B Ali instead of aku? then he answered with bangla penat mekat slang, "I warrs art humm, sleerrpeeng" ( I was at home, sleeping)....waaakkkluuu lengkong!
Bangla ni was hepi when first time met me (when muslim meet brothers), convinced me that he is a good muslim (tak tanye pon). Siap nak dtg opis aku, suruh book any room ajak jemaah zuhur asar time office hour (umah aku seminit drive je bley balik solat kejap kot). Tapi why another muslim (Mr B Ali) yang dtg dari jauh Sydney die tanak jumpe?? Maybe he was tired drove the train the day before, but why not since die kat umah and sacrifice a few hours (a few minutes perhap) spend time with his tabligh?? This is my answer for you bangla, Chhhhittt Porraah!


jon said...

ada bangla jugak ke sana?apesal tak suruh dia jaga petrol pam je..

-Azman Mashor- said...

tak bley..nanti org kompius sbb kaler minyak same ngan kaler kulit! wahaha