Saturday, July 5, 2008


Not awhile ago I was looking for the new hobby since hobbies aku tak bley pakai kat sini (golf, fishing, pantai).. so i found, taraaaaa! SHOOTING!!...there are numbers of Rifle Club in Brissy and one in Mt Isa (2hrs drve from Cloncurry) too.. i am interested mainly in Sniper! (*link)
Shooting is a bit cossie than golf.. lebey kurang gini la:
  1. Licenses (Firearms + Application) = AUD 150
  2. Club fees = AUD 75
  3. Rifle = AUD1500
  4. Rifle Optical = AUD300 - AUD 1000
  5. Bullet = AUD 25 to AUD30 /dozen
  6. Storage = AUD~100 - AUD300
  7. Other Accessories (Cleaning + Case etc ) = AUD800
We are are looking at range of AUD 3000 gak aa nak start mende ni..bley tahan mahal gak..but my gut telling me that it will be the best freaking experience ever! ni asyik tembak gune mouse + keyboard jer.

Yup, again shooting is a common hobby among golf gak la..three of my office mates actively involved, haaa nak yg bes lagi rupenyer Brenden is one of them! after a week with Brenden, it turned up that guy was'nt bad at all! mungkin aku bengang sket sbb pasal driving license die tu je aa..but we have in common : PC hardware nerd and love shooting game,... tapi again pesallll laa ozi ni suke sgt lawak kentut? one day he showed me video clip from youtube org² kentut..byk plak tu, takde aa lawak sgt selain kepuuut kepuut preet preet.. tak paham kawe...

Back to story, friday arvo we saje² pi point lookout, then si Brenden start aa bukak cerita pasal sniper, how to shoot from the top tu, xplained a bit there and here pasal wind, distance, heartbeat, trigger..perkkk aku dapat rasekan kegilaan die...nice...then, last nite after work, me and mates juz lepaking sambil borak pasal shooting for the whole nite..they were shocking when I said it is mandatory hukum gantung if illegally own gun in Msia..they showed me some pics of their hunt; kangaroos, rabbits, bores, birds, camel pon ade! one by one they storied on how many times they had to shoot to bring them down and which area to bullet went through their lungs and ribs...perkkk..ganass...not mentioning splattered headshot...uhhhhh...

Then Dave tibe² bukak beg die..taraaa! all the shooting gears except the rifle kept in the case in his car, and plus he a bit wasted dat nite so tanak cari pasal laa main ngan sniper malam² buta..mabuk² pon pandai disiplin diri...bagus. He showed us his ammo and what not. Coooooool..agak jakon laa bulllet! Mmg menarik abissss...Dave (25yr old) ni agak saiko sket, he drove his '98 Pajero from Brissy to Curry (24hrs) sambil² stop over at any shooting spot..badan besar cam marine..not a big talker but kelakar kekadang..last nite on our way back from staff farewell party, he asked me "Mate, issit safe walking around at these time? Coz u know wot, I am a good runner", berkate sungguh² sambil angguk² kepala suruh aku percaye..hehehe.. gelak besoo aku, agak penakut rupenyer..hehehe.nampak gaye cam silent assassin.hehehe..well, he will be in Curry for 3 if any chance he will bring me along shooting...jengjenejeng!

*kelibat jakun Ammo .338 :

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