Tuesday, August 19, 2008

4wd Trip

Awesome, fantastic, unreal, beautiful, exceeded spectacular; cant stop saying those words for the whole 4wd trip. 8 cars with 20ppl of our groups went into the bush last Saturday. Mmg asyik geleng kepala dan terharu jeer dgn pemandangan indah, cantik dan anggun..mmg indescribable aar. Even camera pon takley challenge sbb mmg cantik gileer..bukan nak exaggerate tapi betul. We head south Cloncurry like 30km dirtroad until we stopby at the 100years old rail embankment place. Asal sejarahnye railway ni tak digunakan lagi since 1915, penah digunakan sebagai pengangkutan hasil galian. So we hang around, ade yang jumpa botol², besi² buruk yang hampir 100taun lamanya. Agak cool jugak la. Aku mmg malas nak amek mende² ni buat semak je. hehehe..


*kelibat YMCA

*me and Dale. & *Fountain Springs

Then we head out to ghost town call Ballara. Town ni kat atas bukit, so boleh nampak view bukit bukau yang caaaanttiikk gileeerrr...mmg tertelan air liur punye aa. Apparently, those bukit penah digunakan untuk penggambaran cerita "Crocodile Dungee" mengikut Gary Baker who are expert bab² travel in Cloncurry, and he is a professional photographer and own gallery. Lepas dah agak² bosan dan lapar, we traveled lagi about 40km to Fountain Springs. Yes, aiirrrrrr!!!air terjun tapi takde pon air yg terjun sbb bukan wet season. Seronok gile dpt jumpe air, dan air ni diantara dua bukit, tu laaa yg menambahkan kecunan alam tu. Geram seh tade camera yg canggih...chill gile lepak² makan sandwich tepi kolam tu.

*unique hanging rock & *indah view

*Pete's car & *menikmati pemandangan


*double&triple crossing rock

Sepanjang weekend mmg sejuuukk gile, matahari panas tapi angin mak ai sejuk...nasib baik la ade bawak jaket tebal, cam gaya nak pi main snow pon ade gak. Then head north to rail tunnel and had splendid view from the top of the mountain. Bekas tapak mining lagi. Mmg cuun...on the way there we came accross a few graves tepi² jalan. Saiko siot kalo sesat malam² tibe ade kubur bersepah. hehe..And also we stopby the spot where we can find unique rock that can only be found in here and africa. They called it double crossed rock and triple crossed rock. Susah gak nak carik yang perfect. Serta ade batu yang glittering bling bling sinar sinar cunnn...sempat gak aku tapau sepam dua untuk buah tangan.

*abandon grave under the rock

*ghost town

Perjalanan 4wd takde aa mencabar sgt cam dlm TV, tapi setiap spot mmg unique dan cantik superb. Ade gak jumpe red kangaroo, wallabies, unta, lembu, kuda dan tak lupe jugak kat rakan kite, iaitu si babi. heheh.

*unta!! & *emu and the kid

*Ozi³, oink!oink!oint! & *black phyton

Malam tu we all camp at the dam, tepi sungai with red rock mountain...mmg tak puas tgk bukit tu. Cam biasek malam we did campfire, fullmoon cerah menampakkan lagi shape awan² cantik.. uiyoo sangat cantik. Mmg baring layan awan dan jiwa je aaa malam tu. Sambil² dengar lawak² aussie which I recently picked up their joke. Kalo tak derang ketawa, aku pon ketawe. We ended up on the bed at 3am. Hehehe

Sunday morning, seko² bangun muke soggy je. Buat breakfast pon slow² mamai, trip untuk ke Mary Kathleen park (ghost town yg penah pegi dulu) yg rancang utk pegi that morning pon terus cancel. We decided to go home which was a good idea because sume penat.
Kesimpulannya, Outback ni mmg lawaaa gileee...silap jangkaan sape² kate boring. Mmg besssssttt gileer cantik gileerr. Cumanya my trip ni wasnt complete because of missing somthing, and you know what it is. :)

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