Friday, August 15, 2008

Si Kamis dan Jumat yg membencikan...

Those two days have not been really pleasant. It was quiet as tikus on monday and tuesday, so i thought ponteng on wednesday would be fine. But ended up kedebummm all of the sudden baaanyaaakk gileee tasks piled up and they keep coming, phone was ringing, email kedussh kedushh, and ppl keep coming to my desk with high hope on me! amekkkk!dpt laa obat bekeja keras kamis dan jumat.

Honestly, I dont mind with hundreds of task but yang aku benci the distraction from them la bile tgh nak setelkan one problem...i've been using 3 pcs with 2monitors each at office with multitasks work pon x cukup kene split myself into three kot baru bley...tu blum termasuk yg call tibe ade problem from the site, aduhh kene plak travel for hours yg bosan..

Thursday morning had interview for this job to swap me from contract to permanent job...Alhamdulillah interview was fine, but susah sket nak kelentong as one of the panel tu was Peter..hahahah..I dunno somehow the end of that session they kinna sensed that i'm not interested on continue working with them. They promised me macam2 training and IT cert (Novell, CCNA, ITIL) for me that definitely will build up my career dgn laju.I think they likes me. kot.....Skarang macam termakan plak dgn janji2 manis derang tu, and now having second thought of leaving Cloncurry. Aduhh, hari² aku doa mintak petunjuk memudahkan aku buat decision..Amin..

Haa ni part buat aku sengih bile tibe² received email from somebody from exxonmobil bunyi begini:


Saya ni suami Cik Nab.
Kalau nok hantar resume, gunokan email address ni deh.
Berminak ko nok kejo kat offshore."

MS Mamat Sebu
EMEPMI Drilling Group Malaysia

Soo tak syak lagi sure mak aku ni yg rajin contact member die utk carikan keje aku kat Msia..but offshore???perkkkk jauh ngan segala manusia dan bangunan lagih? Isk somehow tibe² mak aku ni cam tak kasik aku duk kelantan jeer...nak gak campak aku jauh² lagi. Kelakar gak bunyi email tu, aku pon tatau camne nak reply. Nak reply in english nampak berlagak plak, dlm bahasa baku kang nampak cam skema and nerd plak..Last² aku blasah reply dlm bahasa kelantan gak. Nasib baik resume tak tulis dlm bahasa kelantan gak. Hahaha..exxonmobil pon not bad sebenarnyer kot.

PR? tu pon satu lagi..supposedly i will getting the answer this month. Been trying to catch up with my lawyer, cam biasek aa busy meeting laa..not in the office aa..emel mmg tak reply plak tu...spending thousands of bux on them pon rase hopeless je derang ni. Aziz yg dah tunggu setaun lebeh pon x dpt lagi PR...really really weird..mmg aus govt ni pon kekadang sengal gak. All the PR applications the whole states are process by Federal Govt satu je kat Adelaide. Mane tak lembab would really really great if they process it by State each state process yg aku rase nak involve in Aus politic ni..hahah berangan aa ckp omputeh pon tak reti...

Neway this monday confirm kene dtg awal opis setelkan all those jobs before office hour. In the meantime, weekend ape bikin? haahaa 4wd Adventure! 8 cars are going this time..and overnite at somewhere then back on Sunday arvo. Lupekan segala tekanan, and I know I will get over it on Monday...and next week tooo the decisions has to be made whether stay or sayonara cloncurry....
have a nice weekend and enjoy a country music from Kid Rock Featuring Sheryl Crow:

Kid Rock - Picture - Kid Rock

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